Hydro Flux - The Story of Water

$ 12.00 AUD

Hydro explores the cycle of water, he begins as rain, falling and runing into a creek, toa river, a dam, then into pipes of a city and drunk down by a child. Hydro os cried out in a tear which then evaporates back to the clouds.

Told in Poetry form.



Hydro Flux Feasts - A Kids Guide to Healthy Eating

$ 12.00 AUD


Hydro Flux Drops In - An Introduction To Anatomy

$ 12.00 AUD

Hydro is drunk down by a boy named Fred travelling thoughout his body on a tour of exploration.

Told in poetry form


Hydro Flux on Planet Earth

$ 12.00 AUD

Hydro is concerned for Mother  Earth bringing awareness toward being kind to our planet

Told in poetry form




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